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Revealed: Dogecoin To Switch Its Network Confirmed By Buterin

A game-changing technology, Proof-of-Stake (PoS), is the algorithm of choice among the top players in the digital token ecosystem. Ethereum is preparing to halt its use of the demanding protocol.

The industry uses the cryptocurrency consensus mechanism to handle transactions and create new blockchain networks. It validates any entry into a database by keeping the database secure. However, the security arrangement of the platform is airtight, with no single breach or violation reported so far.

In trying to be a validator in the PoS protocol, interested coin owners must stake a specific number of coins by offering it as collateral for the opportunity to validate any new blocks in the blockchain. After the platform confirms their participation, those who risked their coins become validators.

In an interview, Ethereum’s co-founder stated that virtually all the major digital coin platforms plan to switch to the new network. He noted that the meme coin, DOGE, is also about to adopt the same protocol for its operation.

He noted that all but one are planning to switch to the new platform and that any discussion about it will be easy once it is known that the technology belongs to Ethereum and that the meme coin’s plan of action aligns with others like Zcash.

He, however, points to a whitepaper made in December last year, indicating the process of carrying out the proposal for the Dogecoin, where a version of its community is listed. The whitepaper contains all the necessary procedures to succeed with the new protocol.

The new strategy is designed to accommodate every individual’s participation in the management of the token network. Everyone has a stake in playing to ensure no one is left behind, irrespective of standing and the number of coins they hold in their wallet in the community. Each must strive to make the operation efficient. Apart from being regarded as a secure protocol, it can minimize the risk of losses for investors.

Buterin Is Collaborating With The Dogecoin Foundation

Speaking of the proposed agreement, the Foundation develops a plan for the community’s version. The Foundation also revealed that the move is to allow everybody, not just the top owners, to participate fully in a manner that benefits all for their struggles toward the smooth operation of the protocol while contributing to charities by helping communities in need.

A suggestion was made by Buterin in 2021 that moving Dogecoin into the new protocol using the technology from Ethereum would help bridge the gap between the speed of transaction and efficiency and that the coin would stand to benefit the most.

The mechanism for the transition might be different, but what is certain is that the meme cryptocurrency wants to transfer its network to a dependable platform. The move will enhance efficiency by involving the computational ability to randomly generate any mining activity, reduce energy consumption, and ultimately create a seamless operation.

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